Monday, November 14, 2011

Making My Dreams Come True pt 2

Part 2 of making my dreams come true. In part 1 my dreams was to finish high school then off to a collage and to have a daycare. But if those dreams doesnt work out. I have a back up plane. see you have to have alot of dreams just in case the first ones doesnt work out. I know my first dream always will be is to finish high school. Thats the first step always to making my dreams come true. Next if cullinary arts doesnt work out for me I want to go to school for nursing. But Im going to make it my top thing to do when I finish collage is to have my own daycare. All I got to do to make my dreams come true is to keep faith alive and stay focus.

Making My Dreams Come True pt 1

Making my dreams come true. I need to first finish high school. Thats my first step to make my dreams come true. I have big dreams. My dreams is to finish high school and be succeful. After high school my dream is to go to a cullinary arts collage. To make that next dream come true I need to stay focus at all times. I know I can I know i will. Then when I finish that i want to have my own day care. I really like kids alot. But for me to make all my dreams come true I have to keep a positive mind and stay focus.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

How Do I Celebrate Halloween

Halloween comes from Hallow Eve. Halloween is celebrated on Oct. 31 of every year. Every year on halloween kids all around the word get dressed up as all different things. They go out and knock on people doors for candy. Some kids might say trick or treat and some might just say nothing and wait for there candy. but around the world some people dont celebrate halloween then again some people just do celebrate it. When I was little i was told that was the devil day. But me and my sisters celebrated halloween and so did most of my family. But my auntie and her kids didnt. Every years on halloween we also dressed up and had are candu bags and went tricker or treating. The last time I celebrated halloween was when I was 17. But now Im 20 and have a baby boy of my own. I will now be celebrating halloween with him. He's 1 this year will be his first year of celebrating halloween.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Furture Plans

My furture plans for my self! In the furture I would like to be a very succesful mother. I say in about 10 years. I would like to be finish with college. I would also would like to have my own daycare. Im going to give back to the community and everybody that helped me make it. Im going to have my head on right. Lokking forward and never back. Im going to be a person that kids can look up to in the furture. Im going to put my son and my work before everything. I plan to have a great furture. That's my furture plans for about 10 years or so from now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Halth Care In The U.S.A

Some people around the world do have health care. Then again others doesn't have health care. Heath care is a big issue now across the world. Its 47 million U.S residents that dont have health care. Every day the number increase. Out of the 47 million its 8.7 million that is children that doesn't have health care. There's all type of heath care around the world today.
  There's indemnity plan, managed care, health maintences organization (HMO), and point-of-service (POS) plan. Some people are not covered they dont have health care. That means that they have to pay to cover all appointment and presciptions. Some peopel have medicare other might have madicaid and some could even have universal health care. People across the world uses different types of health care.
  What I think about what's happening with health care in the U.S.A today. Is that everybody should be able to have health care no matter what type of job they have or how much money they have. If I had something to do with it I'll give everybody health care full coverage. People should be able to go into the doctor an be able to see the doctor without a pay. That's what i think but it's not up to me. I'm covered i use medicare.
  Have you ever saw the movie JOHN Q? If not I think everybody arcoss the world should watch the movie JOHN Q.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Questions About Brazil

 How is the weather out in Brazil?
What type of music do people in Brazil listen too?
How is the living statues in Brazil like?
What types of food do people in Brazil cook?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Quest for Success

Succcess in life to me is getting everything that i need to get done achived and not listen to the nagitive things that people have to say about me! How will I be successful in life. I will make the right choices. I will first finish out my last year of high school. Thats the first thing I have to do to be successful in life. After I finish high school I will then go on to collage. Thats my next step of being successful in life. After I finish collage for about two years the next thing that will help be be succesful is I would find a good job that I like that will be able to support me and my family. I would make sure that my son have everything that he needs. Thats a BIG part in my life that will make me successful. all those things are going to help be the succesful person I want to be in life.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

high school

im a 12th graded thats attending lovejoy high school in brooklyn ill. my little sister is also attending lovejoy high too she's also a senior. after i finish high school i attend to go on to collage. the high school that i attend now is nothing like my other high school i attend back in rock island. but its ok i have to deal with it. everyday after school i go home an tend to my son the love of my life jaitorian.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Who am I LaVette Scott

Hello! My name is LaVette Scott. I just moved from Rock Island. Im now living in Brooklyn. I now attend Lovejoy High School. Im in the 12th grade this is my last year of high school. Im 19 years old i will be turning 20 in october. I have a 11 month old son he will be 1 in september. I live here in Brooklyn with my son JaiTorian my little sister Latasha and my mother Gloria.